Special Education Teacher, Secondary School
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District
Monterey, CA
Posted on February 1, 2025
SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER, MUST POSSESS CALIFORNIA EDUCATORS CERTIFICATE JOB DUTIES: Instruct students with special needs in math, science, history, physical education, and English at the high school level, specifically grades 9-12. Identify student knowledge and skills at school entrance with pretesting and reviewing prior IEPs and achievement records. Identify specific student learning outcomes to be attained in relation to student learning needs and IEP objectives and maintain appropriate documentation. Determine a sequence of learning experiences, utilizing District adopted instructional materials and appropriate supplementary materials. Develop and utilize written plans that may include long-term and daily/weekly lesson plans, as the basis of instruction. Apply appropriate teaching strategies consistent with student needs, selected curriculum, and time allocations. Make appropriate accommodations for student physical, educational or behavioral disabilities. Assist in training regular education teachers regarding successful integration of special needs students into their classes and activities; assist with modification of activities if needed. Consult and collaborate with regular education staff, support staff, and administration regarding strategies for student success. Provide assistance to special education students in regular education classes when appropriate. Develop and communicate to students and parents the expectations regarding student behavior and related consequences. Coordinate other services to the student as needed, for example, speech therapy, adapted physical education, occupational therapy. Schedule annual IEP meetings, or more frequently if needed, coordinating attendance by staff, parents and other applicable agencies. Make appropriate use of instructional time; maintain an appropriate physical environment and appropriate individual, class, and program records. Develop and implement strategies to meet the needs of students with a variety of handicapping conditions. Observe and evaluate students' performance, behavior, social development, and physical health. Establish and enforce rules for behavior and policies and procedures to maintain order among students. Teach socially acceptable behavior, employing techniques such as behavior modification and positive reinforcement. Maintain accurate and complete student records, and prepare reports on children and activities, as required by laws, district policies, and administrative regulations. Employ special educational strategies and techniques during instruction to improve the development of sensory- and perceptual-motor skills, language, cognition, and memory. Meet with parents and guardians to discuss their children's progress and to determine priorities for their children and their resource needs. Modify the general education curriculum for special-needs students, based upon a variety of instructional techniques and technologies. Prepare materials and classrooms for class activities. Teach personal development skills, such as goal setting, independence, and self-advocacy. Confer with parents or guardians, other teachers, counselors, and administrators to resolve students' behavioral and academic problems. Prepare, administer, and grade tests and assignments to evaluate students' progress. Instruct students in daily living skills required for independent maintenance and self-sufficiency, such as hygiene, safety, and food preparation. Provide additional instruction in vocational areas. Collaborate with other teachers and administrators in the development, evaluation, and revision of secondary school programs. Provide assistive devices, supportive technology, and assistance accessing facilities, such as restrooms. Meet with parents and guardians to provide guidance in using community resources and to teach skills for dealing with students' impairments. Attend professional meetings, educational conferences, and teacher training workshops to maintain and improve professional competence. SALARY: $ 60,002.00 per Year EMPLOYER: MONTEREY PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYER/CONTACT PERSON: MANUEL NUNEZ CONTACT'S JOB TITLE: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT, HUMAN RESOURCES CONTACT: 831-645-1272 MNUNEZ@MPUSD.K12.CA.US 700 PACIFIC STREET MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 93940